In November 2004, the voters of the City of Los Angeles passed Proposition O, a Clean Water Bond, authorizing $500 million of general obligation bonds for projects to protect public health and the environment by cleaning pollution, including bacteria and trash, in the City's watercourses, rivers, lakes, beaches, and ocean. These projects, including the Temescal Canyon Park Stormwater Best Management Practices Project - Phase II, assist the City of Los Angeles in meeting federal Clean Water Act requirements. Proposition O - Clean Water Bond also funds improvements to protect water quality, provide flood protection, increase water conservation, provide habitat protection, and create open space.
The proposed project would implement on-site treatment and beneficial reuse of previously retained stormwater (Phase I) for the irrigation of Temescal Canyon Park, thereby promoting water conservation. This Project includes the construction of: a 120-foot stormwater line from 500 gallon per minute (gpm) pump located inside an existing buried reservoir to the treatment building; a 31’4” by 13’4” (416.3 square feet) treatment building (to include two (2) peristaltic booster pumps; self-cleaning 200 micron filter with a flow capacity of 2,000 gpm; 490 gallon double-contained tank on a raised platform; treatment agent will be sodium-hypochlorite at 12.5% solution) constructed with a fire suppression system; exterior air conditioning condenser unit; a 2,530-foot treated water distribution line from the treatment building to the existing Temescal Canyon Park Irrigation System, of which 2,372-feet will be located within the right-of-way of Temescal Canyon Road; and a 10-foot wide gravel road to provide access to the treatment building from Temescal Canyon Road. The resulting processed water will be in conformance with the Tier III Standards as found in the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Guidelines for Harvesting Rainwater, Stormwater, & Urban Runoff for Outdoor Non-Potable Uses September 2011. The treatment building will be located at 362 Temescal Canyon Road, approximately 550’ +/- north of Pacific Coast Highway, being sited behind and southerly of the existing restroom building.
All interested persons, as well as the applicant may speak at the hearing or submit written information. All written comments received on or before 4:00PM on November 7, 2013 will be considered prior to a decision on the case. Written comments should be sent by email to:, or hand delivered or mailed to:
City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
Bureau of Engineering, Environmental Management Group
Attention: James R Tebbetts, Environmental Specialist II
1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2213
The application, exhibits and other information relating to the case are available for your review at 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90015-2213 in the Office of the Environmental Management Group.
A public hearing is scheduled for November 6, 2013 beginning at 5:00PM at the Palisades Branch Public Library, 861 Alma Real Drive, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272.
If you have any questions please contact James R Tebbetts at (213) 485-5732.