- 111th Place LADOT All-Electric Bus Maintenance Facility Project
- 1st and Broadway Civic Center Park Project
- 6th Street Viaduct Seismic Improvement
- Albion Dairy Demolition and Remediation & Albion Riverside Park Project
- Aliso Canyon Park Improvements Project (W.O. 1907295)
- Air Treatment Facility at Mission Road and Jesse Street
- Asilomar Boulevard Landslide Mitigation Project
- Asphalt Plant No. 1 Replacement and Modernization Project
- Baldwin Hills Communication Site Improvement Project
- Bending the River Back into the City
- Boring Company Proof of Concept Tunnel Project LA
- Boyle Heights Sports Center Gymnasium Project (W.O. E170192A)
- Central Outfall Sewer at 59th Street and 4th Avenue Project
- Century Boulevard Extension (Jordan Downs)
- Citywide Cat Program (E1907610)
- Donald C. Tillman In-Plant Storage Basins
- Dugout Loop High Speed Transportation Project
- Gaffey Street Pool and Bathhouse
- Green Acres Biosolids Land Application Project
- Hansen Dam Baseball Fields Renovation
- Hansen Dam Recreation Improvements
- Hansen Dam Phase II Ranger Station and Trail Improvements
- Hillcrest Drive Landslide Repair
- Hyperion Treatment Plant Digester Gas Utilization Project
- LA Beach Access
- LA Street Civic Building Project
- Lopez Canyon Hazardous Fuels Reduction
- Los Angeles Police Department Evidence Warehouse
- Los Angeles River and Arroyo Seco Low Flow Diversion
- Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub
- Metro Bike Share Phase III OFW at Park and OFW at 30th
- Mount Lee Communication Facility Site Improvements Project
- Mount Lukens Communication Tower Improvements Project
- Mount Lee Pipeline and Pumphouse
- New Northeast Area Police Station
- North Atwater Crossing Project
- North Spring Street Viaduct Widening and Rehabilitation
- North Valley Fire Station No. 7
- Olympic Boulevard and Mateo Street Improvements
- Olympic West Pico East Initiative
- Police Academy Replacement Training Facility
- Ramada Inn Marina Homeless Shelter Coastal Development Permit​
- Rancho Cienega Celes King III Pool Demolition Project
- Rancho Cienega Sports Complex Project
- Restoration of Historic Streetcar Service in Downtown Los Angeles (W.O. E1907459)
- Riverside Drive Bridge Widening and Rehabilitation Project
- Runyon Canyon Park - Fuller Entrance Parking Area
- Smart Energy Transport System - Recirculated Sections of the Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Soto Street Roadway Widening Project from Multnomah Street to Mission Road
- Soto Street Widening - Multnomah Street to North Mission Road
- Street Vacation - Shatto Street Between Witmer Street and Valencia Street (W.O. E1401160)
- Taylor Yard Bikeway/Pedestrian Bridge Over the Los Angeles River
- Taylor Yard River Parcel G2 Project
- Temescal Canyon Park Stormwater Best Management Practices Project (BMP) - Phase II
- Vacation of 33rd Street Between Figueroa Street and Flower Street Project
- Van Nuys Fire Station No. 39 (W.O. E170094B)
- Venice Dual Force Main Project
- Venice Beach Security Lighting
- Verdugo Peak Communications Tower Improvement Project
- Wilmington Drain Multi-Use and Machado Lake Ecosystem Rehabilitation