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Competitive Grants

Proposition K ordered the allocation of one hundred forty three million, six hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($143,650,000) of the total amount generated over 30 years through an open and competitive process for public agencies, City departments and nonprofit organizations. All recipients of funds under Prop K must demonstrate an ability to provide ongoing programming at the facility in order to receive funds. This is the match required under Prop K.

The Bureau of Engineering's Recreational & Cultural Faculties Program administers the open and competitive process to allocate funds under the L.A. FOR KIDS Program. RCFP is responsible for developing the Request for Proposals (RFP), evaluating and rating submitted proposals, and recommending prospective grant recipients to the L.A. FOR KIDS Steering Committee and City Council for approval.

In the Proposition K ballot measure, eight categories of funding were identified and assigned a total amount of funding for the 30 year life of the Proposition K grant program (ending in 2026). These limits and the balance remaining in each category may have an effect on how projects are awarded. The following chart illustrates the amount allocated for the program and the total approximate amount remaining in each of the eight categories for the remainder of the Proposition K program.

Competitive grant funds are awarded to improvement projects in the following categories:

Project Funding Categories

Original Ballot Measure Allocation Per Category

Approximate Remaining Funds Per Category As Of FY 2022-23

1. Regional Recreation/Educational Facilities $20,000,000 $0
2. Neighborhood At-Risk Youth Recreational Facilities $20,000,000 $0
3. Youth Schools/Recreation Projects $20,000,000 $10,650,619
4. Aquatic Upgrades $16,000,000 $500,000
5. Athletic Fields $16,650,000 $0
6. Lighting $16,000,000 $0
7. Urban Greening $15,000,000 $195,823
8. Acquisition of Parks/Natural Lands $20,000,000 $2,728,734
Restricted Funds Subtotal $14,075,176
*Unrestricted Funds Subtotal $2,070,100
All Proposition K Funds TOTAL $16,145,276

* Note: Unrestricted Funds of $2,070,100 – will be available for all eight (8) categories.

These funds will be available for all eight (8) categories (1. Regional Recreation/Education Facilities, 2. Neighborhood at-Risk Youth Recreation Facilities, 3. Youth Schools/Recreational Projects, 4. Aquatic Upgrades, 5.Athletic Fields, 6. Lighting, 7. Urban Greening, 8. Acquisition of Parks/Natural Land)