The L.A. for Kids – Proposition K Program is pleased to announce that it has released the re-opened 11th Cycle Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP can be found here.
The RFP is for fiscal years 2025-26, 2026-27, and 2027-28. Funding for this RFP will only be available for the following source/category:
Part One - Proposition K Funds: $2,611,968 (Please refer to the RFP)
- Restricted Funds – Available only in the Funding Category Eight (8):
a. Acquisition of Parks/Natural Lands: $2,611,968
Proposals will be received electronically only via e-mail. No hard copy proposals will be accepted. Proposals must be sent via email to engpropkrfp@lacity.org and received no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Each proposal submission file size must be 20 megabytes (MB) or smaller; or broken up into multiple files not to exceed 20 MB each. The email subject line should state: Re-opened Prop K 11th Cycle Proposal – Agency Name – Project Title
If one agency is submitting multiple project proposals, each project proposal should be submitted separately.
Proposals and all required documents are due on or before 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 16, 2024.
Proposals received after this time will be deemed non-responsive and ineligible for Prop K funding, under Category 8.
Due to the technical nature of required materials for the Proposition K Funds, it is mandatory that potential proposers should have attended one of the TWO (2) virtual Technical Assistance Seminars (TAS) held in October and November, 2023. Potential proposers who have not attended a prior TAS in October/November 2023, are NOT eligible to submit a proposal under this re-opened RFP.
Potential proposers who have not attended a TAS and signed in, will not be eligible to submit a proposal.
For further information, please e-mail at engpropkrfp@lacity.org.
1. RE-OPENED 11th Cycle Request for Proposal & Attachments <<Link to Revised Prop K 11th Funding Cycle RFP_FINAL>>
2. Technical Assistance Seminar PowerPoint <<Link to Presentation - TAS 2023_FINAL 10-5-2023>>
3. Q & A from past Technical Assistance Seminar <<Link to FAQ_4-6-20>>
4. Sample Grant Agreement <<Link to SAMPLEGRANTAGREEMENT-C-123210>>