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Lankershim Local Area Urban Flow Management Network

Page updated: November 11, 2024

The City of Los Angeles (City) Bureau of Engineering (BOE) is beginning the environmental review process for the proposed Lankershim Boulevard Local Area Urban Flow Management Network Project (Project) consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING: The Project site is approximately 1.5 miles long and consists of an approximately 8,000-linear-foot-long corridor along Lankershim Boulevard, between Sherman Way and Interstate 5, in the community of Sun Valley in the city of Los Angeles. The Project site is approximately 20 acres in size and is located in both Los Angeles Council Districts 2 and 6. The Project site is located exclusively within the public rights-of-way of Lankershim Boulevard and select adjacent streets extending approximately two to three blocks to the east and west of Lankershim Boulevard. The Project site is located within the public rights-of-way of Lankershim Boulevard and adjacent streets and therefore does not have a General Plan or zoning designation.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project involves installation of stormwater infrastructure consisting of approximately 8,000 linear feet of storm drain main line, 14 drywell systems with 110 total drywells, and 33 catch basins as well as green street elements consisting of approximately 315 street trees, 232 parkway infiltration planters, and 15 vegetated median islands. The purpose of the proposed Project is to improve the City’s water quality by capturing and infiltrating stormwater to help reduce the primary pollutant (zinc) in the 402-acre tributary area into the San Fernando Groundwater Basin. In addition, the proposed Project would provide infrastructure to help manage flood risk, increase local water supply through groundwater recharge, improve downstream receiving water quality by reducing pollutant loads, and provide green infrastructure through tree planting and landscaping improvements. Attaining these Project objectives and goals would contribute to implementation of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Stormwater Capture Master Plan, 2015 Urban Water Management Plan, and the Mayor’s 2019 Green New Deal, including helping to achieve compliance with the Upper Los Angeles River Area total maximum daily loads established by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Download the CEQA Basics Fact Sheet to learn more about the CEQA environmental review process.

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Notice of Preparation/Initial Study and Public Scoping Period

The BOE is beginning the environmental review process for the proposed Project consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The City is the Lead Agency under CEQA. As the Lead Agency, the City has prepared an Initial Study (IS)/Environmental Checklist in accordance with current City of Los Angeles Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA of 1970, Article I, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15082. The City identified a potential for significant impacts and proposes to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The EIR will address the proposed Project’s potential effects to the following environmental resources:

  • Hazards and Hazardous Materials
  • Hydrology and Water Quality
  • Noise
  • Tribal Cultural Resources

The City is requesting input from agencies, stakeholders, and other interested parties on the scope and content of the EIR. Using the information obtained through the environmental scoping period, the City will prepare an EIR to analyze the environmental impacts of the proposed Project and alternatives. The BOE welcomes comments and/or concerns related to the content of the environmental information presented and invites you to attend a virtual public meeting held via Zoom to learn more about the proposed Project and participate in the environmental review process.

PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: The Notice of Preparation and Initial Study/Environmental Checklist will be circulated for a thirty (30) day public review period, beginning on October 24, 2024 and ending on November 22, 2024. Please see the Documents table below to view and download these materials.

Copies of the Notice of Preparation and Initial Study/Environmental Checklist are also available for review at the following locations:

  • Sun Valley Branch Library, 7935 Vineland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 91352
  • Valley Plaza Branch Library, 12311 Vanowen Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605
  • Northwest Branch Library, 3323 West Victory Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91505
  • Van Nuys Branch Library, 6250 Sylmar Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91401
  • Burbank Central Library, 110 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank, CA 91502
  • North Hollywood (Amelia Earhart Regional) Library, 5211 Tujunga Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91601
  • Buena Vista Branch Library, 300 N. Buena Vista, Burbank, CA 91506
  • City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering, 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Copies of the Notice of Preparation and Initial Study/Environmental Checklist may also be obtained by contacting Lauren Rhodes of the BOE at (213) 485-5733 or by arranging a visit to the office address listed below.

All comments must be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on November 22, 2024 by mail or email (please include “Lankershim Boulevard Local Area Urban Flow Management Network” in the subject line) to:

Lauren Rhodes, Environmental Supervisor I
Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering, Environmental Management Group
1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939
Los Angeles, CA 90015

PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting was be held during the public review period to solicit comments from interested parties on the content of the EIR. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation and transcription will be provided at the meeting. The meeting was be held at the following date, time, and location:

Wednesday, November 6, 6:30 PM
Virtual Public Hearing held via Zoom
Link to Zoom Meeting:

The presentation slides and meeting recordings in English and Spanish are linked below. 

The City will consider all comments, written and oral, in determining the scope of the analysis in the Draft EIR.

Documents/DocumentosReview Period/ Período de Revisión

Notice of Preparation - English

Open until 11/22/24

Aviso De Preparación - Español

Disponible hasta el 22 de noviembre de 2024

Initial Study and Appendices

Open until 11/22/24

Initial Study without Appendices

Open until 11/22/24

Appendix A - Air Quality Impacts Assessment


Appendix B - Energy Report


Appendix C - Paleontological Resources Assessment


Appendix D - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impacts Assessment


Appendix E - Transportation Impact Study


Fact Sheet - English


Fact Sheet - Español 

Scoping Meeting Slides - English


Scoping Meeting Slides - Español


Scoping Meeting Recording - English 
Scoping Meeting Recording - Español