The City of Los Angeles (the City) is proposing to upgrade an existing maintenance road into a new
section of the Los Angeles River Bikeway. The Project would construct an asphalt concrete pavement
Class I bicycle and pedestrian path along the south bank access road of the Los Angeles River, and a
partially separated equestrian trail. The Project would extend the Los Angeles River Bikeway by
approximately one mile from its current western terminus near Riverside Drive and would provide new
equestrian trail facilities near the Los Angeles Equestrian Center. The proposed Project would connect to
the active transportation network throughout the region and provide new pedestrian, bicycle, and
equestrian access and connectivity to transit, residential homes, schools, jobs, parks, and other
community-serving amenities for the surrounding communities. The proposed Project would add to the
region’s livability by expanding active transportation options and providing new access to public transit,
homes, schools, work, parks, and other community-serving amenities.
The project site is located in the Hollywood Community Plan area along the Los Angeles (LA) River,
specifically an approximately one-mile alignment along an existing paved service road owned by the Los
Angeles County Flood Control District. The eastern terminus of the alignment includes a locked gate
which is also the western terminus of the existing Los Angeles River Bikeway segment to the east of the
Project area, and the western terminus of the Project alignment is located approximately 200 feet east
of the northern terminus of Forest Lawn Drive.
In compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Initial Study
(IS) has been prepared to assess the potential environmental impacts of this project. Mitigation
measures have been incorporated into the project to ensure that any impacts are reduced to a less than
significant level. The DRAFT Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration will be circulated for a thirty
(30) day public review period, beginning on February 28, 2025 and ending on March 31, 2025.
Comments received on the DRAFT document are responded to in the FINAL document.
A copy of the DRAFT document may be obtained through the links below or by contacting Chris Adams
of the Bureau of Engineering at or (213) 485-5910.