Andrew C. Hansen was born near Copenhagen, Denmark on February 8, 1880, and was the son of Niels Hansen and Anna Christiansen.
A year and a half after his birth, his parents came to the United States and settled at Perth Amboy, New Jersey. In 1887, they moved to Fresno, California where Mr. Hansen attended grammar school and graduated from high school in 1898. He then entered the University of California where he graduated in the College of Civil Engineering in 1903.
For several years he was connected with the United States Reclamation Service as assistant engineer. During that time he was employed on projects at Yuma, Arizona, Klamath, Oregon, and in the Imperial Valley of California. In November 1906, he accepted the post of assistant city engineer at Los Angeles, and in 1908 became division engineer of the Los Angeles Aqueduct, having charge of the Mojave, Jawbone and Antelope divisions. In November 1911, he was appointed inspector of public works and street maintenance and in July 1913, when the street maintenance and engineering departments were combined, he continued as inspector but was soon made assistant city engineer. July 11, 1917, he was promoted to City Engineer, a position he held until he died on February 9, 1920.
Mr. Hansen was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and belongs to all its local branches in Southern California. He is a member of the Architects and Engineers Club, Chamber of Commerce, University and Civic Clubs.