Apparently born in Germany, it is known Mr. Lecouvreur came to California by way of the Horn.
No biography of Mr. Lecouvreur could be located but several references are made to him in Harris Newmark's book, "Sixty Years in Southern California."
Newmark recalled:
"When the excitement about the gold finds along the Kern River was at its height, Frank Lecouvreur arrived here (Los Angeles) March 6th, on the steamship America, lured by reports then' current in San Francisco. To save the fare of five dollars, he trudged for ten hours all the way from San Pedro, carrying on his shoulders forty pounds of baggage; but on putting up at the United States Hotel, then recently started, he was dissuaded by some experienced miners from venturing further up the country."
Soon after, Lecouvreur took work in a saloon, but disliking his duties and after being shot at several times by patrons not approving of his alacrity or method of serving them, he went to work for a carriage painter named John Goller. Later, he worked for Captain Henry Hancock, then county surveyor, as a flagman at $60.00 a month (later boosted 25% on a trip to surveyors to the Mojave).
The Chronological Record of City officials: 1850 - 1938, shows Mr. Lecouvreur as "City Surveyor, 1868 - 69."