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Master Training Plan - Curriculum

The attached training curriculum (Attachment A) describes the subjects recommended for employee’s professional development including a description of appropriate topics to be covered, the recommended hours for training, and the source of instruction.

The curriculum is presented by major areas of instruction:

  1. Employee Orientation
  2. Basic Skills Job
  3. Specific & Technical Skills
  4. Project Management
  5. General Management and Supervisory Skills
  6. Executive Development

It should be understood that the entire training program is overlaid by quality concepts as evidenced by inclusion of system optimization coursework.

Coursework on these subjects may be available from many sources:

  1. The Bureau of Engineering offers both Bureau-wide classes and classes specific to a group. Notice of any classes offered will be provided to employees through the Bureau newsletter, training calendar, or through a training catalog maintained by the Finance and Administration Program, Training Section. Notices will include a description of the material covered, time and place of instruction, instructor, and any prerequisites.
  2. The City Personnel Department offers many supervisory and management courses. Notices of these classes are available from the Finance and Administration Program, Training Section of the Bureau and the Group Training Coordinators.
  3. Seminars in technical and management areas are often offered through professional, academic and institutional organizations, such as the American Public Works Association (APWA), Academy of Management and other similar organizations. Notices of these seminars are available from the specific institutions. Any seminar or class that is fee-based must have the prior approval of the appropriate Group Manager, if reimbursement is desired.
  4. Specialized consultants may be hired to present seminars or classes in areas where there are no available specialists within the Bureau, or when the need is immediate. Notice of these seminars will either be posted in the newsletter (for Bureau-wide) or through the group (for specific technical training).
  5. Academic institutions may execute contracts to provide classes. Notice of these classes shall be provided in the Bureau newsletter or in the training catalog.
  6. Rotation through various assignments in the Bureau is a source of continued learning. A rotation program is under way which will allow employees to broaden their knowledge base. Notice of such rotation assignments will be handled through the Group Managers.

In addition to formal classes, training often happens on the job, in one-on-one coaching, and in informal settings such as brown bag lunches during which employees can discuss developmental topics.

Specific job-related training (see Appendix A, Job Specific Skills) that is distinct to the job performed by each employee is ultimately the responsibility of the employee’s immediate supervisor and should be provided internally. Such skill development could be offered through various "rotation" strategies, individual on-the-job training by knowledgeable co-workers, employees who are employed as Associate IVs, by a member of management or through specially arranged seminars.

Various entities within the City of Los Angeles, including groups within the Bureau of Engineering or other Bureaus, may sponsor courses that are open to the Bureau's employees and fulfill specific job-related training needs. On occasion, an individual may pursue technical training for advancement, transfer, or enrichment opportunities. The Bureau encourages all its employees to participate in these opportunities.