PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING: The proposed Project is located at 694 South Oxford Avenue in the Koreatown neighborhood in the central portion of the City of Los Angeles. The Project site is generally bound by an office building to the north, South Serrano Avenue on the east, 7th Street on the south, and South Oxford Avenue on the west. The area immediately surrounding the Project site is completely urbanized and developed with commercial buildings and community open space to the north, various commercial buildings to the east and west, and multi-family residential dwellings to the south. Figure 1 shows the location of the proposed Project.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Project involves the construction and operation of a new pocket park and underground parking structure on the site of the existing surface parking lot serving the Pio Pico Koreatown Library. The proposed Project would incorporate the western façade of the existing library into the park, providing some external façade finishings, window/window seat, and a shade trellis. Additionally, minor repairs to the other façades of the existing library would be performed, including cleaning, window updates, surface repairs, and re-touching, where needed. The proposed parking structure would accommodate approximately 50 parking spaces in one subterranean level. It is anticipated that the parking structure would be operational during the same hours that the Pio Pico Koreatown Public Library is open to the public. The proposed pocket park would be located at the ground level in the footprint of the existing surface parking lot. Proposed park elements include a multi-purpose event area to accommodate public events, such as performances, fairs, reading, etc.; a playground; a shade structure; a fitness area; a walking loop; and benches and tables. Landscaped elements would be provided throughout the park and would include trees, shrubs and planter areas. Approximately 75 bicycle parking spaces would be provided along the northern boundary of the Project site and approximately 21 bicycle parking spaces along the southern boundary at 7th Street. The proposed Project also involves the conversion of the 12 existing parallel street parking spots adjacent to the library to approximately 17 angled parking spots on 7th Street and 11 angled parking spots on Serrano Avenue. Additionally, to provide adequate facilities for the anticipated users of the park and existing library, the restroom facilities within the library would be expanded and upgraded, which requires minor modifications internal to the existing restroom facilities.
PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: The proposed Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a twenty (20) day public review period, beginning on August 1, 2019 and concluding on August 21, 2019. Copies of the document are available for review at the following locations:
- Pio Pico – Koreatown Branch Library, 694 S. Oxford Ave Los Angeles CA, 90005
- Los Angeles Central Library, 630 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
- Council District 10 Office, 200 N. Spring Street, Room 430, Los Angeles, CA 90012
- City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, EMG, 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90015
A copy of the document may also be obtained by contacting Talmage Maxwell Jordan of the Bureau of Engineering at (213) 485-5754, by visiting the office address listed below, or by viewing the Bureau of Engineering website at: Projects
The Final IS/MND is now available for review.

Numerous approvals and/or permits would be required to implement the proposed Project. The environmental documentation for the proposed Project would be used to facilitate compliance with federal and state laws and the granting of permits by various state and local agencies having jurisdiction over one or more aspects of the proposed Project. These approvals and permits may include, but may not be limited to, the following:
City of Los Angeles
- Department of Building and Safety: Building and Grading permits; and Zoning and Construction clearances;
- Department of Recreation and Parks: Memorandum of Agreement for proposed Project approved by the Department of Recreation and Parks Board of Commissioners; Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND); Approval of final plans;
- Library Department: Memorandum of Agreement for proposed Project approved by Board of Library Commissioners; Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND); Approval of final plans;
- Fire Department: Any applicable permits related to the parking structure and emergency access;
- Department of Public Works: Issuance of “B” permits; Bid and Award of Construction Contract;
City Council Committee and City Council: Project approvals as necessary and adoption of MND as necessary.
The Agenda for the meeting of the Board of Library Commissioners:
The Board of Library Commissioners will consider the IS/MND for adoption. The meeting date is TBD.
Report |
Review Status | Public Review Period |
Final IS/MND | ||
Final Appendices | ||
Notice of Intent to Adopt MND/Notice of Availability | ||
Draft IS/MND | August 1, 2019 - August 21, 2019 | |
Appendices |