Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering:
TCTMC: eng.tctmc@lacity.org
TCTMC Project Coordination Contacts
✓ Ensure eng.tctmc@lacity.org is cc’d in all notification and coordination emails.
✓ Notify TCTMC 5 working days prior to the start of construction.
✓ Notify/coordinate with Investigation & Enforcement Division, Arnoldo Avila, arnoldo.avila@lacity.org (213) 792-6911.
✓ Notify/coordinate with all affected Bus Line Operations.
✓ BOE Permits: Call Contract Administration (213) 485-5080 24 hours before start of any work.
✓ Notify/coordinate with DOT District Office, 4 days prior to start of work.
✓ Notify/coordinate with all businesses, schools, and venues in the work area vicinity impacted by your project.
✓ Notify/coordinate with all other construction activities within the vicinity by checking Public Way Reservation System http://navigatela.lacity.org/pwrsviewer
✓ Notify/coordinate with Film LA Inc. at eventinfo@filmla.com and cc eng.tctmc@lacity.org
◻ PLE - Purple Line Extension Project – Section 1:
Bryan Hancock hancockb@metro.net (323) 900-2126,
Gino Bondoc bondocg@metro.net (310) 905-4145
◻ PLE 2 - Purple Line Extension Project – Section 2:
Anna Noyola noyolaa@metro.net (213) 840-4034
◻ PLE 3 - Purple Line Extension Project – Section 3:
Teddy Okoye okoyet@metro.net (213) 312-3120,
Andrew Martinez Andrew.Martinez@TPOGJV.com,
Terry Utz utzt@metro.net,
Josh Escobar josue.escobar@tpogjv.com,
Scott Wilson swilson@frontierkemper.com,
Alex Plair aplair@frontierkemper.com
◻ RC - Regional Connector Project:
Seth Teora seth.teora@aecom.com (213) 893-7179
◻ SSB - Sixth Street Bridge Project:
Karen Gong karen.gong@lacity.org (213) 694-4277
◻ Destination Crenshaw Project:
Craig Siqueland csiqueland@rmspm.com,
Russell McDaniel rmcdaniel@rmspm.com
◻ ESFV - East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor:
Nell Mardirosian MardirosianN@metro.net
◻ G-Line- G-Line Improvements Project:
Ferdy Chan chanf@metro.net
◻ Metro Bus - EventsDesk@metro.net
Questions?: Major Transit And Transportation Construction Traffic Management Committee or e-mail eng.tctmc@lacity.org